Vegetables Talk
“You’re never melon cauli says the Carrot to the Bean
Lettuce hear you’re happy secret why your pods are never mean
Sure don’t turnip your nose when I like to sow my seed
Cause you cannot beet the rain and you cannot beet the weed
Oh the weed you say – how does that go
From off my head to tom-a-to e
Aye – I laugh so much I wet my plants
The weed I Sea – I see no Ants
Oh happy I, the Carrott , that sea no pesticide
And happy I , the Onion, that goes along the ride
And let me leek this story cause the cabbage needs to know
That this organic seaweed sure has helped me glow and gro
My herbs and veg and fruit are fab
So healthy and ahealing –no precriptions and no lab
And As for flowers and my shrubs their colours are alive
And bees live on in bountiful- inhabiting hive
With much thanks to Ocean Leaves Wild Organic Sea(feed)weed for bringing rhyme and rhythm to my vegetable patch. All jokes aside folks- the sea is full of nutrients. I am so delighted that an Irish Business has literally tapped into this wonderful resource. Best wishes Ocean Leaves. I hope that many more will realise the health-giving properties of organic seaweed and use it to promote disease free plants which lead to healthy living for all on this small planet.
Regards, C. the obsessional healthy gardener
Note from Ocean Leaves: Thank you C for sending us this lovely poem. You are very talented, not alone in your vegetable growing but also in your poetry skills! We got a great laugh out of it! If it was true that vegetables talk perhaps they’d ask for Ocean Leaves® 😂 😂 😂
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