Diary of a Swampy Gardener
Here in the South East of Ireland, we are now in full flight of summer, albeit with unusually rainy weather. Like the massive thunder storm that erupted over our house yesterday! It very quickly turned my already swampy garden into a temporary lagoon! Running out to get the clothes off the line was akin to going for a little walk down a river. But nevertheless, as dawn broke this morning, we had glorious blue skies, and decidedly summery temperatures. The combination of the warm weather and moist conditions, has certainly turned even the most manicured gardens into a wildflower (and weed!) haven. This is challenge even for the most seasoned gardener.
In amongst all the growth, sometimes a help, sometimes a hindrance, and all the crazy weather, we were really happy to receive this photo from a customer of Ocean Leaves®, who was struggling to get her beautiful plant to thrive and flower evenly for the last couple of years.
Mrs. P.M. from Carlow began to feed her plant regularly from February with our Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract, and she is absolutely delighted with the results! A thriving plant now, it is abundant with full pink flowers. Thanks Mrs. P.M for sending this photo in to us and for your lovely comments!
In my own garden this week, I will undoubtedly be focusing on digging some French drains to help deal with the excessive water so I don’t have such a swampy garden! Wish me luck! If anyone has any tips, please feel free to share. If any of you have any gardening stories, please drop us a line, we’d be very happy to hear them! Have a lovely week everyone!
Jennifer, Ocean Leaves
Image © 53r610 – stock.adobe.com